GlucareLife + Millennium Coffee Bundle
RM 139.00 158.00
12% Off

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GlucareLife + Madu Koko CP Bundle
RM 119.00 131.20
9% Off

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GlucareLife 1 bottle + Yes-Imunn 1bottle
RM 217.00 243.12
11% Off

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<p><img src="" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG1NEW-FA.jpg" style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px; width: 1000px;"><img src="" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG4.jpg" style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px; width: 1000px;"><img src="" data-filename="Separator.jpg" style="width: 1000px;"><img src="" data-filename="1.jpg" style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px; width: 882px;"><img src="" data-filename="3.jpg" style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px; width: 882px;"></p><p><br></p>

GlucareLife 900g
RM 109.00 118.00
8% Off

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<p>GlucareLife is a plant-based formula dietary beverage that is formulated with 18 <span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">types of grains and 28 types of vitamins and minerals. The feature ingredient, Oat </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">Beta-Glucan* is helpful in cholesterol reduction and lowering the rise of blood </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">glucose. GlucareLife can be consumed everyday to provide the nutrient requirement </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">of the body. This tomato-flavored formulation with a pleasant multigrain aroma makes </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">it a desirable nutritious beverage for all. </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">(*Recommended daily intake of 3g to achieve the mentioned effects)<br><br></span></p><p><u style=""><b>Directions of Use<br></b></u><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">4 scoops (≈60g) GlucareLife </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">+ 250ml warm water<br></span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">Let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes, </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">stir and enjoy thereafter.<br></span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;"><br>Each serving : 4 scoops (≈60g) </span><span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; letter-spacing: 0.1px;">= 5.6g Oat Beta-Glucan</span></p><p><img src="" style="width: 1000px;" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG1NEW-FA.jpg"><br><img src="" style="width: 1000px;" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG2.jpg"><img src="" style="width: 1000px;" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG3.jpg"><img src="" style="width: 1000px;" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG4.jpg"><img src="" style="width: 1000px;" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG5.jpg"><img src="" style="width: 1000px;" data-filename="GlucareLife_ENG6.jpg"><br><img src="" data-filename="GlucareLife_CHI7.jpg" style="width: 1000px;"><br></p><div><br></div>